2016年度関東例会 Keith L. Camacho基調講演&『戦禍を記念するーグアム・サイパンの歴史と記憶』合評会


ポスターはこちら⇒ 2016関東例会

第1部 基調講演(英語)
Keith L. Camacho (Department of Asian American Studies, UCLA)
The State of “War Memory”: Reflecting on Conflicts and Coalitions in the Pacific Islands

第2部 合評会(英語・日本語)
石原 俊(明治学院大学)

開場13:30・開始14:00・終了17:40 (予定)

The State of “War Memory”: Reflecting on Conflicts and Coalitions in the Pacific Islands

What is the state of “war memory” in the Pacific Islands? In this talk, I discuss the significance of World War II and its aftermath in the Mariana Islands and the wider Pacific region. My goal is to examine how conflicts and coalitions produce both the means and the methods by which scholars have come to analyze the war, its complex and varied histories, and its enduring and equally contentious political and social memories. Along these lines, I reflect upon my role as a native scholar-activist caught in-between colonial wars and occupation, on the one hand, and indigenous and feminist movements for justice, on the other. From this vantage point, we can begin to understand and appreciate the state of war memory for Indigenous peoples in the Pacific Islands and for war memory studies more generally.

キース・L・カマチョ(UCLA アジア系アメリカ人研究科准教授)
2005年ハワイ大学マノア校にてPh.D.(歴史学)。『戦禍を記念する』の原著であるCultures of Commemoration: The Politics of War, Memory and History in the Mariana Islands (Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2011)により、第28回大平正芳記念賞と北マリアナ諸島自治連邦区知事人文賞を受賞。
編著に、“Gender and Sexual Politics of Pacific Island Militarisation: A Call for Critical Militarisation Studies” with guest editors Victor Bascara and Elizabeth DeLoughrey, a special issue of Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific 37, 2015.
“Transoceanic Flows: Pacific Islander Interventions across the American Empire,” guest editor, a special issue of Amerasia Journal 37:3, 2011.
Militarized Currents: Toward a Decolonized Future in Asia and the Pacific, with co-editor Setsu Shigematsu (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press), 2000.
論文に、“Filipinos, Pacific Islanders, and the American Empire,” in The Oxford Handbook of Asian American History, ed. David K. Yoo and Eiichiro Azuma (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 13-29, 2016; “Homomilitarism: The Same-Sex Erotics of the US Empire in Guam and Hawai‘i,” Radical History Review, Issue 123, 144-175, 2015など多数。
Critical Ethnic Studies, Amerasia Journal, Journal of American Studies: Eurasian Perspectives, American Quarterly等の編集委員を歴任。

2:00-2:05pm 開会(西村明)
2:05-2:50pm 基調講演 (キース・カマチョ)
2:50-3:05pm 質疑応答
3:05-3:20pm 休憩
3:20-3:50pm 長島コメント
3:50-4:20pm 石原コメント
4:20-5:30pm 著者からの応答とフロアからの質疑応答
5:30-5:40pm 閉会(野上元)

6:30pm- 懇親会